The definitions

The commands for control the leds are shown below.

// Define the commands for the Red, Blue Led OFF and ON
#define BLed_OFF GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_8) // Blue LED OFF
#define BLed_ON GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_8) // Blue LED ON
#define GLed_OFF GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_9) // Green LED OFF
#define GLed_ON GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_9) // Green LED ON
#define RLed_OFF GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_6) // Red LED OFF
#define RLed_ON GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_6) // Red LED ON


In the section of the variables there are two commands to flash the LED:

uint8_t LBflash=0; // Led Blue 0==FlashOFF 1==FlashON
uint8_t LGflash=0; // Led Green 0==FlashOFF 1==FlashON

This variables are used in the file stm32f0xx_it.c under systick interrupt, see below.

* @brief This function handles SysTick Handler.
* @param None
* @retval None
void SysTick_Handler(void)
  // Used by Delay(nnnn);
  // Routine for Flasing LED ****************************************************
  if (TLampeggio >= rifTLampeggio)
    if (LBflash==1) // Toggle BLUE LED
      GPIOC->ODR ^= GPIO_Pin_8;
    if (LGflash==1) // Toggle GREEN LED
      GPIOC->ODR ^= GPIO_Pin_9;

Also there are two variables used for remember the status of Green and Blue LEDs that are:

uint8_t LedG=0; // Led Greem 0==OFF 1==ON
uint8_t LedB=0; // Led Blue 0==OFF 1==ON

Custom commands (implemented on STM32F0-Discovery) to control STM WiFi module are:

  • lgon – TurnON the green LED
  • lgoff – TurnOFF the green LED
  • lbon – TurnON the blue LED
  • lboff – TurnOFF the blue LED
  • X – Clear RxBuffer
  • reset – reset the STM WiFi module, it reload the WiFi configuration

The definitions are shown below.

#define RxLBOFF "lboff" // Led Blue OFF
#define RxLBON "lbon" // Led Blue ON
#define RxLGOFF "lgoff" // Led Green OFF
#define RxLGON "lgon" // Led Green ON
#define RxClrBuf "X" // Clear RxBuffer
#define RxReset "reset" // Reset the STM WiFi module,it reload the WiFi config.
                        // received from STM32F0-Discovery.
                        // During the reset the Blue Led is flashing.

The received strings used for test the status of STM WiFi are below

#define WiFi_IP "WiFi Up" // This means that STM WiFi is connected to WiFi Network
#define WiFi_OK "OK" // This is the answer STM WiFi if a command is successful

The defines below are in the file: Definizioni.h

#define RXBUFFERSIZE 0x7FE // 2Kbyte
#define rifTLampeggio 500 // 500 == 500mS is flashing time
#define DlyAttesaRx 200 // 200 == 200mS is time that the SW waiting before to analyze the RxBiffer
#define DlyUpLoadHTMLcode 5000 // 5000 == 5sec Delay time for waiting the upload of html page
#define DlyBeforeClrRxBuffer 1000 // 1000 == 1sec Delay time to waiting before clear the RxBuffer
#define FAIL 0
#define PASS 1